This page gathers resources in NCpedia that broadly cover the history and heritage of the Native American tribes in North Carolina. It does not include all resources in NCpedia but rather a selection that covers important topics and events, including background articles; cultural heritage; biographies; historical and contemporary events; politics and law; historical and contemporary places; and others. This page will be updated as articles are added to NCpedia.

American Indians in North Carolina

American Indians in North Carolina

Educator Resources:

American Indian Education: Culturally Responsive Instructional Resources. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Lesson plans for American Indian history. CarolinaK12.

Activity guides for American Indian history. CarolinaK12.

Educational Video. North Carolina Museum of History. American Indians in North Carolina.  YouTube. 2015.


National Congress of American Indians. "Tribal Nations of the United States: An Introduction." [includes basic overview of history, timelines, contemporary information and statistics]

Native Land Digital. Map and resources for searching native tribal lands in North America.

Carapell, Aaron. Map of Tribal Nations Before First Contact.

North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs.

American Indian Center, UNC-Chapel Hill.

Native American Resource Center, UNC-Pembroke.

National Indian Education Association.

National Geographic. "Native Americans." [Educational resources]

National Museum of the American Indian.

National Museum of the American Indian, Native Knowledge 360.

National Museum of the American Indian. "Indivisible: African-Native American Lives in the Americas."

Additional resources, websites and bibliography: North Carolina Museum of History.

Image Credit:

Tooni, Rachel. [Handmade basket, made ca. 1973-1980]. Photograph.  Item H.2008.5.1 from the North Carolina Museum of History. Used courtesy of the North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources. 


Agan, Kelly. "Exploring North Carolina: American Indian History." NCpedia. Government & Heritage Library, State Library of North Carolina. Accessed on March 30th, 2025.