The following text is taken from the 1750 probate of James and Anne Pollard's estate. They lived in Tyrrell County. The inventory can help illustrate what type of property they owned, or in this case, the names of people they enslaved. 

INVENTORY of Sundreys the Goods & Chattels Rights & Credits of Captn. James Pollard & Anne his wife both Desct. taken by James Innes Administrator to Said Estate, Viz as it is found to his knowledge.

1750, June 11th.

Lucretia - Negero Women
Jenny - Negero Women
Sam'll - Do Children
Nanney - Do Children
Charles - Do Children
Nine Cowes
five Calfes
two old Steers
Six three Yeer Old Do
three Mares
two Yearling Coults
two Horses
One Yearling horse Coult
One Yearling winning in two years
three Breeding Sowes
Sixteen Shotes
One Iron Pott
One Large Copper Kittle
One Small Iron Skillet
three Spitts, One Cliver, One Bill
One flesh fork, One P TonguesPair of tongs.
One Pr. Iron Dogs.
Six Pewter Dishes Old Pewter
twinty Pewter Plates Old Pewter
3 Tunnells, three Baisons
One Small Dish
One Cotton Counterpinn
two pair & one Odd Sheets Linnen
One Demety Quilted Coat
One Old Gown, One Old Cloack
One Scarlett Cloack
One Chintz Gown, One Chintz Camblett
Four Table Cloaths
Two Small Table Cloaths, Two Towells
a paper containing ten P Brass Slive buttons
Two Owy Nuns thread & head wears
Two ps Bobbings
Two pr Speek— & Sealing Wax
One Quilted Gown
One Callico Gown
One Quilted Silk Coat
One Flowed Gown Coat
two Under Coats
Twelve Shirts
Nine Aprons
One Bed Gown
Five Lased Capes
three Lased Eadgin
Eleven plain Eadgin
Six white Handkerchefs
three Hoods
One Velvett hood & Bonnett
One pair Lasd Ruffels
two pair Pocketts
One Linnen Handkerchef
two pr Silk Stockings two Pr Thread Handkerchef
One Pray Book
One pair Everlasting Shooes
Six Pillow Cases
thre Small Pillow Cases
Some Scraps Velvett
A paper with some thread
One Gold workt Knott
two plain workt knott
Two Old Fanns, One pin Cushing & Pins
7 Yards Striped new Stuff
A Meddarl & pockett Book
two silver Spoons, One Childs pap Spoon - Silver Work
Six Teaspoons, Tongues & Strainer - Silver Work
One peper box, One punch Ladle - Silver Work
One Silver childs nipple - Silver Work
One Stone Girdle Silver Buckle - Silver Work
One Gold Ring 1 Ps Buckle Silver - Silver Work
One Silver Snuff Box - Silver Work
Halfe -- of Eight, Eight -- & three Bits - Silver Work
One Bugle Hatt Band, One Tobacoa Box
One Tea Kettle - Copper
One Coffee Pott - Copper
One Brass Chafing Dish
three Brass Candle Sticks Snuffers & Stand
One Flatt Tinn Candle Stick
two Pinte Glass Decanters
One Small Tea Board
three Glass Salts
One Milke Pott
Twelve Small Plates - Earthern ware
two Dishes - Earthern ware
Eight Large Tea Cups China
Nine Sawsers
thre Small pleats
three large Cupps
Six Coffee Cupps One three pinte Bowell
One Pint Bowell
One Stone Tea Pott
Two Earthen quart Bowels
Two Wine Glasses
One Chamber Pott
One Mahogeney Tree
One Brass, two Leaden Weights
Six Knives Six forks
One Dressing Glass
four Picturs
One Tea Chest with a litle Tea & Coffee
Eight Books
a japann Cabinett
A Small Oak Table
One Ellbow Mohogeney Chair & Cushing
One Cane Cushing
Six Cane Chairs without Bottomes
One Old Deske
One pair Brass Scales
Six Candle Moulds
One Earthen Butter Pott
four Straw Bottome Chairs
One Small hand Bell
One Powder Box & beads
two Bed Steads
One pr Vallance Curtings & Rods
One Feather Bed
One Boulster & three Pillows
two Small pillows
two Quilts
One Couch & Bed for ye Couch
One Counterpine One Old Hoop
two Cloaths Brushes
One Small Jarr
One Box hand & 3 heaters
1 pr hand mill stones
two Hoggs in Backon
One Small old Table
One Old Lanthorne
One Grand Stone
three Iron wedges (wedge defined)
three old axes
five old Hoes
One Spaid
One Small Pestell & Morter
One Woomans Side Saidle
One large Mogoheney Table
One Chest of Drawers
The Plantation containing two hundred and fifty acres of Land
Lightwood gaithered for a Small Tar Kill

October 16th 1750.

Then appeared before me James Innes Esqr. and made Oath on the hold Evangelists that the within is a just true & perfect Inventory of the Goods & Effects of James Pollard Deceased as far forth as have come to his hands or Knowledge


Recorded n filed in H folio 16

Primary Source Citation:

Grimes, J. Bryan. North Carolina Wills and Inventories Copied From Original and Recorded Wills and Inventories in the Office of the Secretary of State. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton, 1912. Reprinted Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1994. 

Credit text

From J. Bryan Grimes, ed., North Carolina wills and inventories (Raleigh, N.C.: Published under authority of the Trustees of the Public Libraries, 1912), pp. 529-531. - Original Source


"Primary Source: Probate Inventory of James and Anne Pollard, Tyrrell County, 1750." NCpedia. Accessed on March 16th, 2025.