North Carolina and World War I: All NCpedia entries related to World War I
World War I General and Background Articles
World War I Introduction
North Carolina's Response to War and North Carolinians in Combat
WWI: Life on the Western Front
WWI: Last Days of the War
Four-Minute Men
1920s: A Decade of Change
World War I Military History and Technological Developments
World War I Technology and the Weapons of War
National Guard
Aviation in North Carolina
World War I North Carolina Military Camps
World War I Bootcamp in Charlotte
Old Hickory Division
Wildcat Division
Fort Caswell
Healthcare and Battlefield Medicine
Medicine on the Battlefield
Red Cross
WWI: North Carolina and Influenza
Influenza Outbreak of 1918-1919
World War I -- North Carolina efforts on the home front
Contributions to Victory on the Home Front
Support from the home front Cheerwine(developed during sugar shortage of WWI)
Farm and Factory Struggles
Extension Service
4-H and Home Demonstration among African Americans
Women in World War I
WWI: Women Volunteers
Military Women
Madelon "Glory" Battle Hancock
Ann Penland (WWI nurse anesthetist)
Lula Gloyne Owl (First Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian registered Nurse and only ECBI officer in WWI)
Dazelle Foster Lowe (WWI home demonstration agent and extension service pioneer)
Selected Biographies
Madelon "Glory" Battle Hancock (WWI nurse and war hero)
Luke Lea (U.S. senator and WWI hero)
Richard Johnson Corbitt (North Carolina manufacturer of of trucks for the Army)
Kiffin Yates Rockwell (WWI pioneer in arial combat)
Joseph Hyde Pratt (State Geologist, distinguised WWI military service)
John W. Mitchell (pioneering African Amercian extension agent, began service in 1917)
Dazelle Foster Lowe (Extension service pioneer, began service as emergency agent in WWI)
James Timothy Brymn (African American jazz composer and band leader; WWI Army1st lieutenant directed the 350th Field Artillery regimental band) Belvin Maynard (minister and WWI test pilot and flying ace)
James Rogers McConnell (WWI aviator and hero, joined the Lafayette Escadrille, and author of Flying for France)
North Carolina WWI Monuments and Memorials
Iredell County World War I Memorial
Onslow County World War I and World War II Memorial
Caswell County World War Memorial
World War I 328th Infantry 82nd Airborne AEF Rock
James Dougald McRacken War Memorial
WWI Memorial, Lexington
81st "Wildcat" Division Monument
U.S. Army's 30th "Old Hickory" Division in World War I Monument
WWI Memorial, Winston-Salem
Jacques MacConnell (James McConnell) Memorial
James Rogers McConnell Memorial
Town of Kinston Commemoration Marker
Spirit of the American Doughboy
Browse more than 100 WWI Memorials across North Carolina (from Commemorative Landscapes of N.C. at UNC-Chapel Hill)