United States Army, Signal Corps. 1918. "Col. J. Van B. Metts of 119th Infantry, Thirtieth Division, and staff, Belgium, July 10, 1918." State Archives of North Carolina. Military Collection, World War I Papers, XII. Photographs and Postcards, Box 1.
United States Army, Signal Corps. 1918. "Col. J. Van B. Metts of 119th Infantry, Thirtieth Division, and staff, Belgium, July 10, 1918." State Archives of North Carolina. Military Collection, World War I Papers, XII. Photographs and Postcards, Box 1.
This page gathers resources in NCpedia that cover the history and legacy of World War I, contributions from the state to the war effort, and other aspects of history related to life during war-time. ;It does not include all resources in NCpedia that mention World War I, but instead presents a selection for browsing and digging deeper into NCpedia content and the state's history from 1914 to 1918. This page also includes resources for teachers, links to digitized historical document collections online, and print resources for further reading.

North Carolina and World War I: All NCpedia entries related to World War I

World War I General and Background Articles

World War I Introduction

North Carolina's Response to War and North Carolinians in Combat

WWI: Life on the Western Front

WWI: Last Days of the War

Four-Minute Men

1920s: A Decade of Change


World War I Military History and Technological Developments

World War I Technology and the Weapons of War


National Guard

Aviation in North Carolina


World War I North Carolina Military Camps

World War I Bootcamp in Charlotte

Old Hickory Division

Wildcat Division

Fort Caswell

Healthcare and Battlefield Medicine

Medicine on the Battlefield

Red Cross

WWI: North Carolina and Influenza

Influenza Outbreak of 1918-1919

World War I -- North Carolina efforts on the home front

Contributions to Victory on the Home Front

Support from the home front Cheerwine(developed during sugar shortage of WWI)

Farm and Factory Struggles

Extension Service

4-H and Home Demonstration among African Americans

Women in World War I

WWI: Women Volunteers

Military Women

Madelon "Glory" Battle Hancock

Ann Penland (WWI nurse anesthetist)

Lula Gloyne Owl (First Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian registered Nurse and only ECBI officer in WWI)

Dazelle Foster Lowe (WWI home demonstration agent and extension service pioneer)

Selected Biographies

Madelon "Glory" Battle Hancock (WWI nurse and war hero)

Luke Lea (U.S. senator and WWI hero)

Richard Johnson Corbitt (North Carolina manufacturer of of trucks for the Army)

Kiffin Yates Rockwell (WWI pioneer in arial combat)

Joseph Hyde Pratt (State Geologist, distinguised WWI military service)

John W. Mitchell (pioneering African Amercian extension agent, began service in 1917)

Dazelle Foster Lowe (Extension service pioneer, began service as emergency agent in WWI)

James Timothy Brymn (African American jazz composer and band leader; WWI Army1st lieutenant directed the 350th Field Artillery regimental band) Belvin Maynard (minister and WWI test pilot and flying ace)

James Rogers McConnell (WWI aviator and hero, joined the Lafayette Escadrille, and author of Flying for France)

North Carolina WWI Monuments and Memorials

Iredell County World War I Memorial

Onslow County World War I and World War II Memorial

Caswell County World War Memorial

World War I 328th Infantry 82nd Airborne AEF Rock

James Dougald McRacken War Memorial

WWI Memorial, Lexington

81st "Wildcat" Division Monument

U.S. Army's 30th "Old Hickory" Division in World War I Monument

WWI Memorial, Winston-Salem

Jacques MacConnell (James McConnell) Memorial

James Rogers McConnell Memorial

Town of Kinston Commemoration Marker

Spirit of the American Doughboy

Browse more than 100 WWI Memorials across North Carolina (from Commemorative Landscapes of N.C. at UNC-Chapel Hill)

Educator Resources:

Grade 8: Trench Warfare in World War I. Carolina K-12, UNC-Chapel Hill. https://k12database.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2012/05/Trenchwa...

Grade 11: Why A Second World War? The Failure of Peace. Carolina K-12, UNC-Chapel Hill. https://k12database.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2012/05/WhySecon...

Lesson Plans, Harry Truman's World War I. Harry S. Truman Library & Museum (includes activities for music and language arts). https://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/ww1/index.ph...

Teaching World War I, National History Day. Middle School and High School lesson modules. https://www.nhd.org//teaching-world-war-i

Grades 6-12: World War I: What are we fighting for over there? Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/world-war-i-what-are-we-fighting...

Online Resources for North Carolina and WWI:

Carmichael, Billy, III. "Carolina's Part in World War I," from Our State Magazine, vol 18, no 26. November 25, 1950. 

North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Guide to state resources and events related to World War I: ncdcr.gov/education/topics/world-war-i.

North Carolina Digital Publishing Office, “The Papers of Thomas W. Bickett, 1917-1921,” MosaicNC.org (June2023). https://mosaicnc.org/thomas-bickett (accessed September 23, 2023).

State Archives of North Carolina, The Old North State and “Kaiser Bill”: North Carolinians in World War I online exhibit: exhibits.archives.ncdcr.gov/wwi/OldNorthState/WorldWarI.htm.

State Archives of North Carolina and State Library of North Carolina, World War I Digital Collections: digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/home/collections/wwi.

University Libraries, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Documenting the American South, “North Carolinians and the Great War”: docsouth.unc.edu/wwi/homeintro.html.

World War I Resources Online:

Primary Source set: World War I: America Heads to War. Digital Public Library of America. https://dp.la/primary-source-sets/world-war-i-america-heads-to-war

Library of Congress, Web Guides, “A Guide to World War I Materials”: loc.gov/rr/program/bib/wwi/wwi.html.

Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Online Catalog, Posters: “World War I Posters”: loc.gov/pictures/collection/wwipos/.

Library of Congress, Veterans’ Stories: The Veterans History Project: loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/primarysourcesets/veterans/.

New York Public Library, African Americans and World War I, http://exhibitions.nypl.org/africanaage/essayworld-war-i.html.

United States World War One Centennial Commission. https://www.worldwar1centennial.org/

Digital Public Library of America. Patriotic Labor: America During World War 1. https://dp.la/exhibitions/america-world-war-i

Print Resources:

Bandel, Jessica A., North Carolina and the Great War, 1914–1918, UNC Press (2017). https://search.worldcat.org/title/960277966

Marshall, R. Jackson, III, Memories of World War I: North Carolina Doughboys on the Western Front, Division of Archives and History, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources (1998). https://search.worldcat.org/title/906778176

Teachers Who Teach, World War 1 Books for Kids: https://www.the-best-childrens-books.org/world-war-1-books.html

Dumenil, Lynn. 2017. The second line of defense: American women and World War I. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. https://search.worldcat.org/title/951915989

Fisher, W. Douglas, and Joann H. Buckley. 2016. ;African American doctors of World War I: the lives of 104 volunteers. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company. https://search.worldcat.org/title/917343489

Hayden-Smith, Rose. 2014. Sowing the seeds of victory: American gardening programs of World War I. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company. https://search.worldcat.org/title/864097256

Keith, Jeanette. 2004. Rich man's war, poor man's fight: race, class, and power in the rural South during the first world war. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. https://search.worldcat.org/title/62140767


Agan, Kelly. "World War I: North Carolina in the Great War." NCpedia. Government & Heritage Library, State Library of North Carolina. Accessed on February 6th, 2025. https://ncpedia.org/world-war-i-north-carolina-great.