The following text is transcribed from the 1727 will of Samuel Nicholson. Nicholson's will tells us different property he may have owned, and the names of different people he enslaved during his life. His will also names different members of his family.

NO. CAROLINA, THE 22 OF YE: 1: MONTH, 1727/8.

Know ye, that I, Sam. Nicholson, am week in body but of parfect mind and memory, thanks be to the Lord for it: Do make this my Last and Testiment, Revoking all other Wills heretofore maid by me, first of all, I comit my Soul unto the Lord and by body to the Earth from whence was, to be desently buriad after the discresion of my Executors hereafter named.

Saconly, my will is that my dear and well beloved wife, Elizabeth Nicholson, Shall have the whole Use and Benefit of all my Lands and houses and plantation during har life; and after har dises, my will and pleasure is that my daftor, Elisabeth Anderson, shall have and injoy all my Lands, plantations houses and profits, Shee and her Lawful hares for Ever. Allso, i give to my Said daftor, Elizabeth Anderson, a Negro woman caled bes.

I give to my daftor, Sarah Nicholson, one Neigro boy caled Sesor, during her natuall Life, and at har dises, to fall to them of har Kindred which she may think fitest to Life with. I allso give to my Said Daftor, Sarah Nicholson, a father bed and furniture.

I allso give to my Gran Children, forty shillings a peas, to be pid to them or thare fathers for them.

I allso give to my Friend, Sarah Gloster, as much good fine Silk Crape as will make har a Suit of Close, a pare of good Stays, three yards of muslin, a pare of worsted hoes, two Yards of HolenPossibly "woolen," fabric made of wool., as much fine Garlick, as will make har a ShiftA "shift" is a woman's slip — a straight dress worn under her clothes. So why would Mr. Nicholson's friend want a shift made of garlic? More likely, Nicholson was referring to "garlits," an obscure word that referred to a kind of linen fabric imported from Germany or Russia..

And as for the Rest of my Estate of what Remains after Lagists and Just debts are duly paid, I give to my Loveing Wife, Elizabeth Nicholson, to be at har disposing. I also make and ordain my Loveing Wife, Elizabeth Nicholson, and my SoninLaw, John Anderson, Executrex and Executor of this my Will.

As witness my hand,



Witnes by us:


Proved by ye oath of Mr. John Keatten, and affirmation of Mr. Zachriah Nickson, in open Court.
        Test. CHARLES DENMAN, Clk.

Mrs. Eliz Nicholson, one her Solemn affirmation In Open Court, did declare that She would proforme the within will According to ye Law of this Government, She being Executrix.
        Test. CHARLES DENMAN, Clk.

Letters granted the 23d. Jan'y, 1727.
Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State.

Primary Source Citation:

Grimes, J. Bryan. North Carolina Wills and Inventories Copied From Original and Recorded Wills and Inventories in the Office of the Secretary of State. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton, 1912. Reprinted Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1994. 

Credit text

From J. Bryan Grimes, ed., North Carolina wills and inventories, pp. 109-111. Copied from the Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. - Original Source


"Primary Source: Will of Samuel Nicholson, 1727." NCpedia. Accessed on March 16th, 2025.