This page includes the entries from the  North Carolina Year Book and Business Directory from 1903, for the towns of Jefferson and Washington. Jefferson is located in Ashe County, in the far northwest region of the state, while Washington is near the coast in Beaufort County. 

This book was the equivalent to the Yellow Pages, which still exist today, although you may be more familiar with locating businesses through internet search. The North Carolina Year Book and Business Directory listed all of the business by county and city within the state. The directory gives us a picture of small-town life at the turn of the twentieth century, demonstrating that even though factories were growing fast, most businesses were still small. So small, in fact, many were simply named for the business-owner.

Although both Jefferson and Washington are the seat of their respective counties, variations in the populations as well as types and numbers of businesses between the two cities are visible. 


Incorporated in 1800. (No town government.)

Population, 230. 

POSTMISTRESS — Mrs. Julia L. Smith.

Ministers and Churches.
PRESBYTERIAN — Calvin Smith, Pastor.
METHODIST— L. P. Bogle, Pastor.

Hotels and Boarding Houses.
Mrs. Lucv Carson.
Mrs. H. H. Rollins.

Barber Shops.
John L. Hollars.

Blacksmith Shops.
Alex. Goins, CrumplerCrumpler and Scottville (mentioned below) are villages near Jefferson, too small to have their own pages in the business directory..
Joe Medley, Jefferson.

Boot and Shoe Shops.
John Hollars, Jefferson.

Bottling Works.
Thompson Bromine-Arsenic Springs Co., Crumpler.

J. W. Sharp, Clifton.
W. A. Taylor, Scottville.
E. A. Reeves, Lamar.
Thomas Goss, Creston.

Cattle Dealers.
P. G. McNeill, Jefferson.
I. S. Goss, Ashley.
[?]. D. Thomas, Creston.
T. K. Miller, Ore Knob.
W. H. Hamilton, Beaver Creek.
W. J. Perkins, Helton.
J. P. Perkins, Helton.
W. C. Greer, Grassy Creek.
John Dent, Jefferson.

John W. Badger, Jefferson.

Contractors and Builders.
Williamson & Weaver, Wagoner.
James B. Woody, Beldon.

Flour, Corn and Feed Dealers.
Jefferson Roller Mills, Jefferson.
Creston Roller Mills, Creston.
Helton Roller Mills, Helton.
Barnett Idol, Idol.
J. U. Ballou, Eugene.
M. H. Wilcox, Dresden.
Calvin Graybeal, Ashley.
J. A. Dixon, Weaversford.

Hardware and Ag'l Implem'ts.
(See General Merchandise.)
R. A. Hamilton, Beaver Creek.
Harness M'f'rs and Dealers.
H. H. Rollins, Jefferson.

Hides and Pelts.
Walter Ray, Treetop.

Insurance Agencies.
R. H. McNeill, Jefferson.
G. L. Park, Jefferson.
D. A. Osborn, Jefferson.

Lumber M'f'rs and Dealers.
Williamson & Weaver, Wagoner.
W. T. Dollar, Solitude.
J. S. Hopkins, Hopkins.
J. B. Woody, Beldon.

George W. Bower, Jefferson.
Todd & Pell, Jeferson.
G. L. Park, Jefferson.
R. H. McNeill, Jeferson.
T. C. Bowie, Jefferson.
J. B. Councill, Jefferson.
D. A. Davis, Jefferson.
Oscar Dancy, Gray.
H. A. Wilborn, Transou.

Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Miss Sallie Gentry, Jefferson.
Miss Chessie Barr, Jefferson.

W. E. Gentry, Jefferson.

W. E. Gentry, Jefferson.

Real Estate Agents.
George P. Pell Jefferson.

Flour, Corn and Feed Mills
Creston Roller Mill, Creston.
Helton Roller Mill, Helton.
Jefferson Roller Mills, Jefferson.

No saloons in the county. Total prohibition.

Sales and Livery Stables.
R. C. Barr & Co.

Telephone Exchange & M'grs.
Jefferson Telephone Exchange—Mrs. John F. Logan, Manager.

Veterinary Surgeons.
Oliver Hanks, Sturgill.

Watches and Jewelry
N. Testerman, Silas Creek


Incorporated in 1847.
Value real estate, $893,892.00.
Value personal property, $601,396.00.
No. white polls, 2,546.
No. colored polls, 1,577.
Tax rate—City purposes, 50c. on $100;
Schools, 20c; bonded debt, 10c.
There are 5 miles of perfect road and street made of oyster shells.

Town Officers
Election is held in May; term of office, 2 years.

MAYOR—George J. Studdert.
CLERK—John R. Ross.
TREASURER—Aruthur Mayo.
FIRE DEPT. CHIEF—Jos. Chancey.
FIRE COMPANIES AND CHIEFS—Ocean Fire Company, J. F. Thomas; Volunteer Fire Co.., T. W. Hoyt; Dibble Fire Co., Sylvester Dibbde; Salamander Fire Co., (col.), Charles Blackledge.
POLICEMEN—J. G. Chauncey, Rufus Shelton, George R. Howard.
BOARD OF ALDERMEN—B. G. Moss, C. T> Stewart, W. J. Rhodes, T. G. Paul, J. F. Tayloe, G. J. Studdert, W. M. Chauncey.
CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPT.—Harry Howell: Principals, J. R. Conley, Miss Elizabeth Mallison.
CITY SCHOOL COMMITTEE—E. K. Willis, J. H. Small, S. R. Fowle, W. J. Crumpler, W. C. Mallision, S. C. Bragaw, W. B. Morten.
POSTMASTER—John B. Respass.
R. R. AGENTS—R. A. G. Barne; Clinton Ross.

Hotels and Boarding Houses.
The Nicholson.
Ormond House.
Bonner House.
The Ricks.
Hotel "Marie-Louise."
Jackson House.
M. T. Fowler.
Mrs. Olivia Blakeley.

Ministers and Churches.
ST. PETERS-(Episcopal)-Nathaniel Harding, Rector.
METHODIST—R. C. Bearman, Pastor.
PRESBYTERIAN—George W. Lawson, Pastor.
BAPTIST—Josiah Crudup, Pastor

Cemeteries and Supts.
OAKDALE—D. M. Lewis.

Schools and Academies.
Miss Bettie Robinson.
Miss Sarah Russell.
Miss Mary P. Blount.

Charles Doughty.
Burwell Riddick.
Marshall Jones.
J. L. Gardner & Son.

Doc Simmons.

Banks and Bankers
FIRST NATIONAL—President, James L. Fowle; Cashier, A. M. Dumay. Capital, $50,000; Surplus and profits, 46, 303.
BANK OF WASHINGTON—President, Seth Bridgman; Cashier, Thomas J. Latham. Capital, $50,000; Surplus and profits, $19, 645.
D. W. Morgan.

Barber Shops.
Chapman & Price.
Dibble & Brown.
J. H. Thompson.
Sam Dibble.

W. P. Baugham.
S. H. Williams.
C. T. Cordon.
E. R. Mixon.
W. J. Rhodes.

Butchers and Dealers in Cattle.
H. R. Bright.
Isaac Buck.
J. F. Lucas.
Ottway Rumley.
W. A. Bridgers.

Bicycle Dealers.
J. L. Mayo & Co.
L. H. Padgett.
H. Sncil.

Blacksmith Shops.
John A. Lanier.
Leonard Holtzscheiter.

Books and Stationary.
E. M. Brown.
Washington News Co.
W. S. Frizzle & Son.

Boot and Shoe Shops.
J. A. Harman.
Moore Bros.
L. B. price.

Bottling Works.
Robert Portner Brewing Co.—J. T. Newman, Manager.

Brick M'f'rs and Dealers.
Wm. A. Blount.
S. R. Fowle & Son.

Canned Goods.
Washington Canning Factory—J. S. Farren, Prop.

Carriage Manufacturers.
Miles & Corey.

Confectionary Dealers.
W. Scott Frizzle & Son.
W. D. Buckman.
B. L. Susman
H. E. & R. P. Wright.
W. T. Rhodes.

Contractors and Builders.
John L. Gardner & Son
Charles Doughty.
Ira Congleton.

Cotton Buyers and Brokers.
J. E. Latham Co.—(Branch Office)—A. B. Smith, Manager.
Wm. Bragaw & Co.
H. B. Mayo.
J. Havers.
Alex Sprunt—(Branch Office)—L. B. Price, Manager.

HALCYON GERMAN CLUB—John G Blount, President; J. G. Bragaw, Jr. Sec.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE—A. M. Dumay, President; W. D. Grimes, Secretary.

Coal and Wood.
J. Havens.
W. B. Walling.

Commission Merchants.
C. T. Cordon.
M. J. Wright.
J. B. Moore & Son.
W. J. Rhodes.
E. R. Mixon.

Crockery and Glassware.
W. D. Buckman.
W. C. Mallison & Son.
E. M. Mixon.

Cleaning and Pressing Clothes.
Washington Pressing Club—Carney Bryan, Manager.

Casket M'f'rs and Dealers.
W. L. Farrow.

Clothing, Hats and Men's Furnishings.
J. K. Hoty.
Knight & Cooper.
Washington Bargain House.
James E. Clark Co.

H. Snell.
A. S. Wells.
R. T. Gallagher.

Wm. A. Blount.
John G. Blount.
D. T. Tayloe.
Joshua Tayloe.
James M. Gallagher.
Ira M. Hardy.
S. T. Nicholson.
P. A. Nicholson.
John C. Rodman.
E. M. Brown.
J. M. Lloyd, (col.)

C. B. McKeel.
D. Meade Field.
J. M. Gallagher.

Dealers in Carriages.
F. H. Rollins
Miles & Conly.

Mrs. Kate McClure.
Mrs. F. P. Whitney.
Mrs. Margaret Langley.
Madame Hortense Littler.

Dry Goods and Notions.
Knight & Cooper.
Spencer Bros.
James E. Clark Co.
J. F. Buckman.
J. K. Hoyt.
E. W. Ayers.
H. B. Clark.
A. S. Kelly Company.
H. Wahrhoptig.

Dealers in Tobacco.
E. Peterson Co.
Buckman Cigar Store.
C. B. McKeel.
J. F. Yaloe.
E. M. Brown.
W. Scott Frizzle.

Dealers in Grain and Seed.
Havens Milling Co.

Fish Markets.
C. H. Sterling.
E. B. Moore.
J. M. Gaskill.
A. S. Fulford.
W. E. Swindell.
Chilicothee Bay Fish Co.

Flour, Corn and Feed Dealers.
Havens Milling Co.
C. T. Cordon.
J. Havens.
D. M. Carter.
E. R. Mixon.
C. M. Little.

Foundries and Iron Works.
Pamlico Iron Works, G. T. Hardy, M'g'r.
Mutual Machine Works.

Fruit Dealers.
Enterprise Fruit Co.
Buckman Fruit Co.
B. L. Susman.

Furniture Dealers.
Southern Furniture Company, John Aden, Manager.
W. B. Morton.

Grist Mills.
J. Havens Milling Co.

Hardware and Ag'l Implem'ts.
N. S. Fulford Hardware Co.
W. C. Mallison & Son.

Harness M'f'rs and Dealers.
T. E. Warren.
F. F. Cozzens.
G. A. Phillips.

Hides and Pelts.
H. B. Mayo.
John Edwards.

Ice Factories and Officers.
CRYSTAL ICE CO—Lee Bonner, M'gr.

Insurance Agencies.
Wm. Bragaw & Co.
S. H. Williams.
W. J. Crumpler & Co.
G. A. Phillips.
W. D. Grimes.

Job Printing Offices.
Progress Printing Offices.
Johnston's Printing House.
Messenger Print-Shop.

Junk Dealers.
H. B. Mayo.
John Edwards.

Knitting Mills.
WASHINGTON KNITTING MILL—J. Havens, President; W. L. Horah, Supt.

Charles F. Warren.
S. C. Bragaw.
John H. Small.
W. B. Rodman.
W. Demsie Grimes.
M. W. Nash.
E. S. Simmons.
B. B. Nicholson.
Junius D. Grimes.

Washington Steam Laundry.
Quong Lee.
Billy Lee.

Leather Dealers.
T. E. Warren.
F. F. Cozzens.
G. A. Phillips.

Lumber Plants.
E. M. SHORT LUMBER CO.—F. H. Short, Manager.
EUREKA LUMBER CO—G. T. Leach, President.
KUGLER LUMBER CO.—F. C. Kugler, Manager.

Machinery Dealers.
N S. Fulford Hardware Co.

Marble Works.
WASHINGTON MARBLE WORKS—B. F. Sugg & Son, Proprietors.

Masons and Builders.
Walter White.
Allen Peyton, (col.)
George Harrison, (col.)

Medicine Manufacturers.
J. M. Gallagher(--Aanti-Malarial.) (Hog Cholera Cure.)
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Madame Hortense Littler.
E. W. Ayers.
Knight & Cooper.
A. S. Kelley Co.

Mattress Manufacturers.
W. B. Morton.

Music Teachers
Mrs. Wm. Bell.
Miss Charlotte Brown.

Naval Store Dealers.
S. R. Fowle & Son.

Newspapers and Editors.
GAZETTE-MESSENGE—J. A. Arthur, Jr., Editor.

Oil Dealers.
Standard Oil Co., J. B. Moore & Son, Macon Bonner.

Charles E. Harriss

John R. Proctor.
Charles F. Harriss.

Paint and Oil Dealers.
S. R. Fowle & Son.
E. K. Willis.

Pianos and Organs.
S. S. Dawson.

B. L. Holtzscheiter.

Produce Dealers.
H. B. Mayo.

Real Estate Agents.
Grimes Real Estate Co.
Harding & Mayo.

Retail Grocers.
J. F. Tayloe.
M. J. Wright.
Satterthwaite, Willis & Co.
B. M. Little.
M. T. Archbell.
D. M. Carter.
E. K. Willis.
George I. Dail.

Sales and Livery Stables.
George J. Studdert.
George H Hill.
Oliver Credle.
J. G. Chauncey.
Susman & Credle.
W. T. Litchfield.

Sporting Goods.
W. Scott Frizzle & Son.

Stoves and Tinware.
W. C. Mallison & Son.

Shingle Manufacturers.
S. R. Fowle & Son.

Shingle Dealers.
W. E. Scovill.

W. H. Albert.
Blue Front Bar.
"Star and Crescent"—F. G. Paul.
Scott Bros.
W. C. Dudley.
O. B. Wynne.
A. J. Mitchell.
C. J. Lockyer.
Bergeron & Cutler.

Tailor Establishments.
C. Jacobs.
Mrs. Emily Ross.

Telegraph Offices and M'grs.
Western Union Tel. Co.—E. J. Hocutt, Manager.

Telephone Exchanges & M'grs.

Typewriters and Supplies.
H. Snell.
E. J. Hocutt.
Fred B. Warren.

Veterinary Surgeons.
T. P. Howard.

Watches and Jewelry
Wm. Bell.
W. S. Frizzle.
J. S. Campbell.
M. Milgram.
Robert Mitchell, (col.)

Wholesale Grocers.
E. Peterson Co.
Pamlico Grocery Co.
E. R. Mixon.
E. K. Willis.
D. R. Willis.
F. G. Paul & Bro.

Wood-Working Shops.
B. G. Moss.

Source Citation: 

The North Carolina Year Book and Business Directory. Raleigh: The News and Observer, 1903. 

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Credit text

The North Carolina Year Book and Business Directory, 1903.


"Primary Source: Small-Town Businesses, 1903." NCpedia. Accessed on March 28th, 2025.