The following text is transcribed from the 1725 probate of Darby O'Brian's estate. The probate helps illustrate what types of property O'Brian may have owned. It can also help show different living conditions for different groups of people throughout North Carolina's history. 

August ye. 5th 1725.

AN INVENTORY of the Estate of Darby Obrian deceed To 4 Head of Cattle £4:10:0 To an Horse 4 £ To 21 Head of Hogs £ 6:6:0 To one old Bridle and Sadle 8 shll To a parcel of pewter and a tin funnel 10 shll. To a parcel of Glass Ware 8 shll. To a stone jugg 3 shll. To one Brass Skillet a Brass slice and Brass Box 2/6 To an Handsaw 6 shll. To an Ivory Comb 1/8 To a Hone Razor Vial and Knife 4/6 To a parcel of old Iron 15 shll. To one old Coverlid 5 shll. To 3 pair of old Breeches 7/6 To 2 shirts 12/6 To an old Coat 10 shll. To an old Hat Cap and Jacket 4 shll. To one pair of Yarn Stockins 3 shll. To an old Lock and Key 21 shll. To an old Chest 12 shll. To a parcel of Leather 8 shll. To one Bee Hive and Bees 5 shll. To 100 lb. of dried pork & Beef £ 1: 5: 0 To 1 Bushl. ½ Corn 3 shll. To 6 lb Hogs Fatt 2 shll. To a pair of Stillyds. £1: 5: 0—Antho. Hatch Jno. Bateman This Inventory was proved by the Oath of Wm. Evans the 13th of Septbr. 1725. before Me Geo. Durant.

Primary Source Citation:

Grimes, J. Bryan. North Carolina Wills and Inventories Copied From Original and Recorded Wills and Inventories in the Office of the Secretary of State. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton, 1912. Reprinted Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1994. 

Credit text

Published under authority of the Trustees of the Public Libraries, 1912), p. 525. - Original Source


"Primary Source: Probate Inventory of Darby O'Brian, 1725." NCpedia. Accessed on March 16th, 2025.