The following information is a transcript of the winners report from the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service's, "Winners in North Carolina's 'Feed a Fighter' Program" of 1944.

Sullivan Fisher and Edna Vann Lewis, both members of the Red Oak 4-H Club in Nash County, have been declared state winners in North Carolina's Feed a Fighter program for 1943 and each has been awarded a $100.00 War Bond, offered by the Colonial Stores to the boy and girl producing and selling the largest number of food units during 1943. (A food unit being interpreted as the amount of food or its equivalent required to feed a man in the Armed Service for a period of one year.) Sullivan produced a total of 34.3 units while Edna produced 14 units. Sullivan's record shows that he produced 1,680 pounds of cereal, 3,178 pounds of legumes, 90 pounds of tomatoes, 945 pounds of leafy vegetables, 200 pounds of Irish Potatoes, 18,000 pounds of Sweet Potatoes, 560 pounds of fruit, 150 pounds of poultry, 35,155 pounds of meat, 2,120 quarts of milk, 202 dozen eggs, and 475 pounds of butter. Edna's record shows that she produced 3,920 pounds of poultry, 8,401 pounds of meat, and 1,560 dozen eggs.

The County award of a $100.00 War Bond offered to the county producing the greatest number of food units was awarded to Johnston County 4-H Club members who produced a total of 914.2 service units.…

More than 97,000 boys and girls were enrolled in 4-H Club work in North Carolina during 1943. Each member was requested to produce enough food or its equivalent to feed a man in the Armed Service for a period of one year. 33,000 bushels of corn, 209,000 bushels of peanuts, 2,063 bushels of soybeans, 774,000 dozen eggs, 425,000 gallons of milk, 398,000 pounds of beef, 18,000,00 pounds of pork and 742,000 quarts of canned food were produced by these club members in the Feed a Fighter Program during 1943.

Credit text

North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, "Winners in North Carolina's 'Feed a Fighter' Program" (1944). Special Collections Research Center, North Carolina State University Libraries.


"Primary Source: North Carolina's Feed a Fighter Contest." NCpedia. Accessed on March 6th, 2025.