Goldsboro, N.C.

July 10, 1920.

My dear Suffragist;-

The time has come when we must all put our shoulder to the wheel and make one strong final effort to secure ratification of the federal suffrage amendment by our General Assembly when it meets in special session next month.

Will you not spur your committee to activity, so that we shall have an expression from every part of the State urging ratification? We especially request you to make a vigorous campaign for signatures to our resolution. These signatures in great numbers will give indisputable force to our request for ratification.

Your work in the past has been much appreciated. Keep it up a while longer, until we have attained our goal. If you need resolution blanks or suffrage literature, let me know and I will send them to you at once. If I can be of help in any other way, I shall be glad to do whatever is possible.

The time is short. Let us make the most of it. THINK RATIFICATION, TALK RATIFICATION, WORK for RATIFICATION. Make North Carolina the PERFECT 36th!

Sincerely yours,

Gertrude Weil

Pres. Equal Suffrage Ass. Of N.C.

Credit text

Letter from Gertrude Weil, President of the Equal Suffrage Association of North Carolina, to supporters, July 10, 1920.


"Gertrude Weil Urges Suffragists to Action." NCpedia. Accessed on March 19th, 2025.