August 23, 1920

My dear Friend Suffragist:-

As you know, our fight for ratification by the North Carolina legislature is over. We were unsuccessful in our efforts. Our North Carolina men have refused to ratify. We receive the gift of political equality at the hands of the men of other States. The Tennessee legislature has ratified. We hope within the next few days to have the Nineteenth Amendment promulgated by the Secretary of State.

To the Suffragists in the State who helped so faithfully in the organization and campaign work we extend appreciative thanks. Without the loyal co-operation of every individual we could never have accomplished what has been done.

One chapter in our history is over. Already we look forward to a program of education for our women and the stimulation of them to use their political power for the betterment of our State and nation.

To this end I beg you to hold together whatever local organization you have. We shall need it to carry out the work that lies before us.

With cordial good wishes, I am

Sincerely yours


Credit text

Letter from Gertrude Weil, President of the Equal Suffrage Association of North Carolina, to supporters, July 10, 1920.


"Gertrude Weil Congratulates — and Consoles — Suffragists." NCpedia. Accessed on March 19th, 2025.