"North Carolina Senators and Representatives in the Confederate Congress, 1861-1865." Photographic print. View larger. Neg. 77-1227. FFP3. North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries.
"North Carolina Senators and Representatives in the Confederate Congress, 1861-1865." Photographic print. View larger. Neg. 77-1227. FFP3. North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries.
A total of 34 delegates from North Carolina served in the Confederate Congress: 29 in the House of Representatives and 5 in the Senate. The following table lists the delegates and the three terms of the Congress in which they served.
Provisional Congress (4 Feb. 1861 to 17 Feb. 1862)
Francis B. Craige Richard C. Puryear
Allen T. Davidson Thomas Ruffin
George Davis William N. H. Smith
Thomas D. S. McDowell Abraham W. Venable
John M. Morehead  
First Congress (18 Feb. 1862 to 17 Feb. 1864)
SENATORS Allen T. Davidson
George Davis Burgess S. Gaither
William T. Dortch Owen R. Kenan
Edwin G. Reade William Lander
Archibald H. Arrington James R. McLean
Thomas S. Ashe William N. H. Smith
Robert R. Bridgers  
Second Congress (2 May 1864 to 18 Mar. 1865)
William T. Dortch Robert R. Bridgers
William A. Graham Thomas C. Fuller
Burgess S. Gaither George W. Logan
John A. Gilmer James G. Ramsay
James M. Leach William N. H. Smith
James T. Leach Josiah Turner Jr.


Thomas B. Alexander and Richard E. Beringer, The Anatomy of the Confederate Congress (1972).

Ezra J. Warner and W. Buck Yearns, Biographical Register of the Confederate Congress (1975).

Image credit:

"North Carolina Senators and Representatives in the Confederate Congress, 1861-1865." Photographic print. View larger. Neg. 77-1227. FFP3. North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries. Online at http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/civilwar/77-1227lg.JPG.
