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Detreville, John R.
Detreville, John R.
Currency Part 1: Diverse Currency and Severe Money Shortages in Colonial North Carolina
Currency Part 2: Revolution-Era Currency and the Importance of North Carolina Gold Production
Currency Part 3: The Civil War and the Nationalization of the Monetary System
Manufacturing - Part 1: Introduction
Manufacturing - Part 2: Manufacturing in the Colonial and Antebellum Eras
Manufacturing - Part 3: Decline of Iron Production and the Effects of the Civil War
Manufacturing - Part 4: Postwar Struggles and the Growth of the Milling, Tobacco, and Textile Industries
Manufacturing - Part 5: Twentieth-Century Labor Problems, the Great Depression, and Economic Recovery
Manufacturing - Part 6: New Industries, Increased Competition, and Diversification in the Modern Era
Railroads - Part 1: Introduction
Railroads - Part 2: First Rail Lines and the Birth of the North Carolina Railroad
Railroads - Part 3: The Civil War, Postwar Struggles, and the Transportation of Agricultural Products
Railroads - Part 4: Passenger and Tourist Train Services
Railroads - Part 5: Twentieth-Century Trends and Decline
Shenandoah, CSS
Stroup, Jacob and Moses Stroup