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Belton, Tom
Belton, Tom
American Legion
Civil War- Part 1: Introduction
Civil War- Part 2: Secession and First North Carolina Enlistments and Casualties
Civil War- Part 3: Political and Social Turmoil during the War
Civil War- Part 4: Unionism and Violence in the Western Counties
Civil War- Part 5: Military Movements, Battles, and Outcomes in the State
Civil War- Part 6: References
Eugenics Board
Ferebee, Thomas (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
Gettysburg, Battle of
North Carolina Civil War Flags
North Carolina Equal Suffrage Association
Stars and Bars
Two World Wars
Women's Association for the Betterment of Public Schoolhouses
World War II- Part 2: North Carolina Contributions in Battle and on the Home Front
World War II- Part 3: World War II Military Installations in the State
World War II- Part 4: Prisoners of War Held in North Carolina
World War II: Part 1- Introduction
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