In addition to supporting various anticommunist causes and haranguing political leaders who did not share the opinions of its members, the John Birch Society also advocated a return to minimum federal government and repeal of the federal income tax and social security. It opposed federal aid to education, sex education programs in the schools, the civil rights movement, and the Equal Rights Amendment (in North Carolina and the nation).
At its height in the mid-1960s, the John Birch Society's total membership was estimated to be 100,000. In the mid-1970s, the Raleigh News and Observer estimated North Carolina's total members at 2,000 to 4,000, many of them in the Rocky Mount area. Other cities around the state, including Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh, Asheville, Burlington, and Kinston, had active chapters at one time or another. After the late 1960s, society members grew openly unhappy with Welch's autocratic rule, and since Welch's death in 1985 the John Birch Society has been sinking into obscurity, both in North Carolina and throughout the nation.