This content is from the North Carolina Gazetteer, edited by William S. Powell and Michael Hill. Copyright © 2010 by the University of North Carolina Press. Used by permission of the publisher. For personal use and not for further distribution. Please submit permission requests for other use directly to the publisher.

Some place names included in The North Carolina Gazetteer contain terms that are considered offensive.

"The North Carolina Gazetteer is a geographical dictionary in which an attempt has been made to list all of the geographic features of the state in one alphabet. It is current, and it is historical as well. Many features and places that no longer exist are included; many towns and counties for which plans were made but which never materialized are also included. Some names appearing on old maps may have been imaginary, but many of them also appear in this gazetteer.

Each entry is located according to the county in which it is found. I have not felt obliged to keep entries uniform. The altitude of a place, the date of incorporation of a city or town, may appear in the beginning of one entry and at the end of another. Some entries may appear more complete than others. I have included whatever information I could find. If there is no comment on the origin or meaning of a name, it is because the information was not available. In some cases, however, resort to an unabridged dictionary may suggest the meaning of many names."

--From The North Carolina Gazetteer, 1st edition, preface by William S. Powell

Alphabetical Glossary Filter

Place Description
South Fork [Skeenah Creek]

rises in S Macon County and flows NE to join North Fork [Skeenah Creek] in forming Skeenah Creek.

South Gaston

former town in NW Halifax County on Roanoke River. Chartered 1895; charter repealed 1907. Appears as So. Gaston on the Colton map, 1861, but as Gaston on the Kerr map, 1882. It was at South Gaston that passengers on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad took a ferry across the Roanoke River to the town of Gaston before a railroad bridge spanned the river. The community of Thelma is now at the site.

South Gastonia

community in S Gaston County adjacent to the city of Gastonia. The former communities of Myers, Pinkney, and Ridge (originally Pleasant Ridge) are now considered to be parts of South Gastonia. Alt. 772.

South Harper Creek

rises in SE Avery County in Boone Wildlife Management Area and flows SE to join North Harper Creek near the Caldwell County line to form Harper Creek.

South Henderson

unincorporated outskirts of city of Henderson in S central Vance County.

South Hominy

community in SW Buncombe County near the junction of Glady Fork and South Hominy Creek.

South Hominy Creek

rises in SW Buncombe County near Brooks Gap and flows NE into Hominy Creek.

South Hyco Creek

rises in N Orange and SE Caswell Counties and flows NE into Person County, where it joins North Hyco Creek in forming Hyco River. The part of South Hyco Creek that lies in Caswell County is sometimes called Sugartree Creek.

South Lake

NW mainland of Dare County. It drains into Alligator River.

South Leopard Creek

an inlet of North River into the mainland S of North Leopard Creek in E Carteret County.