The enraged British forces sent a captain and two soldiers to capture Cleveland. They nearly accomplished this aim, but instead found themselves taken prisoner; shortly thereafter, they too were dangling from the huge branches of the Tory Oak.
For many years afterward, the Tory Oak stood nobly as a familiar landmark of the struggle for independence. In 1980 the tree had the distinction of being North Carolina's "champion" black oak, with a circumference of 14 feet, a crown height of 50 feet, and an overall limb spread of 40 feet. It withstood the strain of three operations to remove rotten portions, which were replaced with concrete mortar. The rotting continued, however, and two-thirds of the tree was felled by heavy winds in June 1989. In 1992 the National Park Service designated the Tory Oak site as a Certified Protected Site of the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail.