North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Balls MountainS Orange County at the head of Mountain Creek.
BalltownSee Bahama.
Balmcommunity in NE Avery County.
Balsamtown in NE Jackson County. Inc. in 1951, but not active in municipal affairs. Named for Balsam Mountains. Has highest standard-gauge railroad E of Rocky Mountains. Alt. 3,315.
Balsam Branchrises in NE Swain County and flows SE into Raven Fork.
Balsam ConeSee Mount Craig.
Balsam Conemountain in S Yancey County between the head of Timber Creek and the head of Middle Creek. Alt. 6,611.
Balsam Cornermountain on the Haywood-Swain county line. In Great Smoky Mountains National Park near lat. 35°40'17" N., long. 83°10'55" W., near a sharp bend in the county line, hence the name. Alt. 6,020.
Balsam Corner Creekrises in NE Swain County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and flows SW into Straight Fork Raven Creek.
Balsam Gapat the head of Richland Creek in W Haywood County. It is the lowest gap in the Balsam Mountain. Through it passed a prominent aboriginal Indian trail; a highway and railroad also pass through it now. Alt. 3,347.