Frontis W. Johnston, "Zebulon B. Vance: A Personality Sketch," NCHR 30 (April 1953).
Richard F. Knapp, ed., North Carolina's State Historic Sites: A Brief History and Status Report (1995).
Richard E. Yates, The Confederacy and Zeb Vance (1958).
Additional Resources:
"Vance Birthplace." North Carolina Historic Sites. (accessed August 28, 2012).
Travel and Promotion Division, Department of Conservation and Development. "Sheltering a heritage: North Carolina's historic buildings." Raleigh, N. C." Litho Industries, Inc. 1969. (accessed August 28, 2012).
"An Act Repealing Chapter 1234, Session Laws of 1953 and Transferring the Appropriation Made in Section 4 of Said Act to the State Department of Archives and History for the Purpose of Aiding Said Department to Acquire the Zebulon Baird Vance Birthplace and to Establish the Same as a Perpetual Memorial to the Name and Memory of Zebulon Baird Vance." 1955 Session Laws and Resolutions passed by the General Assembly at the Regular Session. Winston-Salem, N.C.: Winston Printing Company. 1955. p.1339. (accessed August 28, 2012).
Conway, Robert O. "Zebulon B. Vance Birthplace," Tar Heel Junior Historian XII. May 1973.
Tarlton, William S. "Division Of Historic Sites." p.20. (accessed August 28, 2012).
Image Credits:
Tart, Edith W. "Photograph, Accession #: H.1961.98.14." 1936. Image from the North Carolina Museum of History.