Our State Magazine published their list of the top 100 North Carolina icons in the July 2012 issue. They asked “What makes North Carolina unique?” to put together a "definitive North Carolina to-do list." The list ranges from the expected, like James Taylor's song "Carolina in My Mind" and Andy Griffith to surprises like the Hanes brand of undergarments (headquartered in Winston-Salem) and President Kennedy's favorite rocking chair (made in Asheboro).
Inspired by Our State's list, the Government & Heritage Library at the State Library of North Carolina has put together a companion guide of resources about the icons. The resources include books, articles, websites, and entries in NCpedia, North Carolina's online encyclopedia. While not meant to be exhaustive, it's an excellent starting point for learning more about some of North Carolina's best-loved people, places, foods, and things.
"It’s a fun list, and we want to help people experience all 100 of them. Since we are a library that has tons of information about North Carolina, we have created a resource guide to help people learn a little more about the icons on the list and how they might go about experiencing them,” said Cal Shepard, State Librarian.
The list makes a great conversation piece. See how many have you experienced, and compare with your friends, family and coworkers.
Link: https://statelibrary.ncdcr.libguides.com/100ncicons
Printable version: /sites/default/files/print_pdf/NCpedia_100icons_resources.pdf
"100 North Carolina Icons" from Our State Magazine: https://www.ourstate.com/100-north-carolina-icons/
The State Library of North Carolina: https://statelibrary.ncdcr.gov/
NCpedia's expansion to include content from the Encyclopedia of North Carolina is made possible in part through a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.