"Frog Tsarevna" by Viktor Vasnetsov, ca 1918. Photo courtesy of Museum Syndicate.
"Frog Tsarevna" by Viktor Vasnetsov, ca 1918. Photo courtesy of Museum Syndicate.

Shape-shifting was one of many superstitions widely accepted by early North Carolinians with little or no understanding of natural phenomena. It was believed that certain people or animals could change form, size, or shape in order to pass through small openings or to appear in a disguise. In the adopted new shape they often worked evil.

Image Credit:

 "Frog Tsarevna" by Viktor Vasnetsov, ca 1918. Photo courtesy of Museum Syndicate. Available from http://www.museumsyndicate.com/item.php?item=51260 (accessed May 21, 2012).