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All Veterans Memorial, Asheboro. Photo courtesy of
Source: All Veterans Memorial, Asheboro. Photo courtesy of

Description: The monument is composed of nine engraved granite slabs arranged in a semicircle outside the courthouse. The slabs increase in height toward the center, and the center slab topped with an eagle. The monument has three flagpoles behind the slabs.

Nickname: 20th Century Veterans Memorial

Center slab: They stood in the unbroken line of patriots who lived to bear their country's arms. They died to save its honor and keep aglow the flaming torch of freedom. / Army Killed in action / [list of names]

Slabs, beginning on left: Randolph County, North Carolina Honor Guard / Promoter and designer Frank J. Rose State Commander American Legion 1991 - 1992 / Erected 1995 / Coast Guard / Killed in action / [list of names] / American Legion / Asheboro Post 45 / Asheboro Aux 45 / Liberty Post 81 / Ramseur Post 125 / Disabled American Veterans Asheboro Chapter 22 / Asheboro Aux 22 / Ramseur Chapter 38 / To you who answered your country's call and served in its armed forces -- heartfelt thanks from a grateful state. / Dedicated to the men and women of Randolph County who died that freedom might live and grow. / Navy / Killed in action / [List of names] / Veterans of Foreign Wars / Randleman Post 9418 / Randleman Aux 9418 / Asheboro Post 1159 / Asheboro Aux 1159 / Liberty Post 8721 / Liberty Aux 8721 / AMVETS / Asheboro Post / Marines Killed in action / [List of names] / Marine Corps League / Cpl. Johnny A. Williamson Detachment #1165

Dedication date: 2004

Creator: Frank T. Rose, Unspecified

Materials & Techniques: Granite

Sponsor: AMVETS

Post dedication use: This monument has become a site for Veterans Day and Memorial Day activities and ceremonies.

Landscape: The memorial sits between the old Randolph County Courthouse and the new courthouse.

City: Asheboro

County: Randolph

Subjects: Vietnam War

