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St. Joseph's AME Church

St. Jospeh's was established in 1891 out of the need for a larger building. But, the churches roots reach back to 1868 with Edian Markham, a Black American Methodist Episcopal missionary and a formerly enslaved person. His church was made up of four posts covered with four boards and a roof made of branches. Worshipers brought their own seats. With winter coming members made a log church, this church was named the Union Bethel AME Church. Two more churches were built between the log church's construction and St. Joseph's. St. Joseph's AME Church is now the home of the Hayti Heritage Center. The congregation moved to a new location in Durham in the 1970s.

Alston, Louis. "The History of St. Joseph's AME Church and the St. Joseph's Historic Foundation". Hayti Heritage Center. (Accessed November 16, 2018).

"St. Joseph's Historic Foundation". Hayti Heritage Center. (Accessed November 16, 2018).

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St. Joseph's AME Church
Citation (Chicago Style): 

Sagdejev, Ildar. [St Joseph's African Methodist Episcopal Church]. July 23,2018. Wikimedia Commons. (Accessed November 16, 2018).

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