Ratification of the 19th amendment 1577854800

Ratification of the 19th amendment

Map shows when the states ratified the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving women the right to vote. The approval of thirty-six states was needed to ratify the amendment; Tennessee became the thirty-sixth on August 18, 1920, fourteen months after Congress had passed it. The remaining states that were in the United States in 1920 have all since ratified the 19th amendment. Three more states -- Connecticut, Vermont, and Delaware -- ratified the amendment within three years after its initial passage. The remaining states were all in the South. Maryland ratified the amendment in 1941, and Alabama and Virginia followed in the 1950s. Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, and North Carolina ratified the amendment between 1969 and 1971. Mississippi became the last state to do so, in 1984.

Public Domain

Agan, Kelly. "19th Amendment State Ratification Map." Map. 2020.