The Far East and the Pacific, 1941
The Far East and the Pacific, 1941
This map shows Midway’s location in the Pacific Ocean, about one-third of the way from Honolulu to Tokyo. Andaman Islands ......... A3 Bataan ........................... A3 Bay of Bengal ............... A2 Bismarck Archipelago .. B3 Borneo .......................... A3 Bougainville ................. B3 Buna ............................. B3 Burma Road ................. A2 Caroline Islands ........... B3 Celebes Sea ............ A3-B3 Coral Sea ...................... B4 Corregidor .................... A3 Fiji Islands .................... C4 Formosa ....................... A2 Gilbert Islands ............. C3 Guadal Canal ............... B3 Guam ........................... B3 Himalayas .................... A2 Hiroshima .................... B2 Hong Kong ................... A2 Iwo Jima ...................... B2 Lae ................................ B3 Ledo Road .................... A2 Leyte ............................. B3 Luzon ............................ A3 Malaya .......................... A3 Mandalay ..................... A2 Manila ....................... A3 Mariana Islands .........B3 Marshall Islands ....... C3 Midway Island .......... C2 Nagasaki ................ ... B2 New Britain ............... B3 New Caledonia .... B4-C4 New Guinea .............. A2 New Hebrides ........... C4 New Ireland ............... B3 Okinawa ..................... B2 Palu Islands .................B3 Philippine Islands.. A3-B2 Port Moresby .............. B3 Rabul ........................... B23 Rangoon ...................... A3 Salamaua .................... B2 Samoa ......................... C4 Savo Island .................. B3 Singapore .................... A3 Solomon Islands ......... B3 South China Sea ......... A3 Tarawa ......................... C3 Truk .............................. B3 Tulagi ........................... B3 Volcano Islands ........... B2 Wake Island ................. C3
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