Letter from Robert Rowan to Richard Caswell, September 18, 1777

Letter from Robert Rowan to Richard Caswell, September 18, 1777

This image shows an excerpt of a letter from Robert Rowan to Governor Richard Caswell, dated September 18, 1777. In the letter, Rowan tells Governor Caswell about the outcome of his effort to get Connor Dowd, a merchant from the Deep River area in what is today near the border between Moore and Chatham Counties, to take the oath to the Revolutionary government. Rowan had been trying in a friendly way to get Dowd, a pacifist with Loyalist sympathies, to join. Rowan's efforts were undermined, in his opinion, by the more combative and aggressive actions of Philip Alson, a revolutionary from the Deep River area, who had Dowd thrown in jail. 

The entire letter is in the papers of Governor Richard Caswell in the Governors Papers collection at the State Archives of North Carolina. A transcription of the letter is also available in the Colonial and State Records of North Carolina at this link: https://docsouth.unc.edu/csr/index.html/document/csr11-0538

Public Domain

Rowan, Robert. Robert Rowan to Richard Caswell. September 18, 1777. Letter. From Governor Richard Caswell Correspondence, Governors Papers Series Two, State Archives of North Carolina. https://digital.ncdcr.gov/Documents/Detail/governor-richard-caswell-corr...