Alamance Battleground, Preparing a Cannon 1420088400

Alamance Battleground, Preparing a Cannon

This is an image of contemporary re-enactors preparing a cannon at Alamance Battleground Historic Site in Alamance County, N.C.  They are engaged in re-enacting the Battle of Alamance of May 16, 1771.

After several years of increasing rebellion and violence from backcountry residents protesting fees and government corruption (called the Regulators), Governor Tryon sent militia to deal with them at Alamance in May of 1771. The battle occurred on May 16, with Tryon's milita taking the victory.  Several Regulators were taken captive and tried for treason, and 6 were hanged.

Re-enactments take place at Alamance Battleground, a North Carolina State Historic Site near Burlington in Alamance County.

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[Alamance Battleground, Preparing a Cannon]. 2015. Image. North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources… (Accessed December 7, 2018).