Fisk Jubilee Singers sheet music folio

Fisk Jubilee Singers sheet music folio

Cover of a sheet music folio entitled "Songs of the Jubilee Singers from Fisk University." The Fisk Jubilee Singers were a group of African American singers at Fisk University in Tennessee who sang spirituals and other American songs. The first incarnation of the ensemble came together in 1871, but the group still sings today. The cover of this sheet music folio lists seven songs, including "The Gospel Train" and "Swing Low Sweet Chariot." The Fisk Jubilee Singers launched the jubilee singing tradition, which grew in popularity through the first half of the twentieth century. Early jubilee singing ensembles adhered closely to the style of the Fisk Jubilee Singers, performing religious songs in close harmonies. As time went on, many jubilee groups branched out to perform popular, non-religious music.

Public Domain


Church, John, et al. "Oh rise and shine! / by .," 1881. Music Division. Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Call Number M1629.