Constitution of the United States (page 1 of 2)

Constitution of the United States (page 1 of 2)

Constitution of the United States (page 1 of 2)

This is the United States Constitution as originally written and ratified. It has been amended twenty-seven times, and several passages of the original Constitution are no longer in force. We've struck through each of these passages and linked it to the amendment that altered it.


Article I. The legislative branch of government -- that is, Congress.

Section 1. Two houses of Congress.

Section 2. The House of Representatives.

Section 3. The Senate.

Section 4. When the Congress is elected and meets.

Section 5. Internal rules of each house.

Section 6. Compensation of representatives and senators.

Section 7. How laws are passed.

Section 8. Specific powers of Congress.

Section 9. Powers prohibited to Congress.

Section 10. Limitations on the powers of the states.

Article II. The executive branch of government -- that is, the President.

Section 1. How the President is elected; who may become President.

Section 2. Powers of the President.

Section 3. Duties of the President.

Section 4. How the President may be removed from office.

Article III. The judicial branch of government -- that is, the courts.

Section 1. Establishing courts and judges.

Section 2. Powers of the courts; trial by jury.

Section 3. Treason.

Article IV. The relationship of the United States government to the states.

Section 1. States must respect one another's laws, governments, and courts.

Section 2. Relationship of states to citizens of other states.

Section 3. Adding new states to the union.

Section 4. Responsibilities of the United States government to the states.

Article V. How the Constitution may be changed.

Article VI. The Constitution shall be the supreme law of the land.

Article VII. How the Constitution will take effect.

Errors in the original text

Signers of the Constitution

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