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Personal impact

In this oral history excerpt, Stan Hyatt explains some of the pros and cons of building the I-26 connector in Madison County, North Carolina and the reasons why he felt like building the road was the best choice.

Audio File: 

Stan Hyatt Oral History - Interstate 26 Personal Impact by ncdigitalhistory


Audio Transcript

Stan Hyatt
Life is a balance, and you take the good and the bad. And you have to make choices. Life is full of choices, and this to me was a choice. In my mind when I looked at the alternatives of leaving traffic where it was, and realizing the importance of the road system, I justified in my own mind. This road has to be built. When I look at it from a corridor standpoint, a 600-mile road from Columbus, Ohio to Charleston, South Carolina, I say, "Well, this is the only nine-mile section that's not been built." If we didn't build it here, we would have had to move it over into the next valley a half a mile over and build it there. And we would have had these same type problems. It's just a balance of choices that had to be made. In this case, I'm comfortable with the fact - and I think I always will be - that we had to do what we had to do. That we had to cut trees, and we had to put pipes in where there were beautiful little streams with waterfalls. I didn't like to do that! But I had to do it.

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