When word came that the Regulators were ready to march on New Bern to take over the Assembly, the legislators immediately took action to punish them. Samuel Johnston, of Edenton, an attorney, clerk of court, and Assembly member since 1759, introduced the "Riot Act," which he based on English law. This act gave the attorney general the right for one year to prosecute charges of riot in any court he chose in the province. When summoned by the court, the rioters had to surrender within 60 days or be declared outlaws whose lands and chattels would become the property of the government and who could be killed with impunity. The militia would enforce the law, which the Assembly ratified on 15 Jan. 1771.
Peaceful citizens protested that Johnston's Riot Act violated their rights, and the Regulators sneered at the "riotous act." They vowed to stop courts from meeting and swore that "now we shall be forced to kill all the clerks and lawyers." The ultimate defeat of the Regulators ended the need for Johnston's Riot Act, which expired in early 1772.