See also: North Carolina State Parks in NCpedia for a listing of North Carolina's state parks, many of which have associated historical sites, and links to articles

Please choose a link from the list of state and national historic sites below (the link will take you to the historic site's website) to learn more about its history, location, and hours of operation.
For links to more history and heritage sites in North Carolina, go to and Additional information is also available online for those sites that are a part of the NC Department of Cultural Resources and its Division of North Carolina Historic Sites.
- Alamance Battleground
- Aycock Birthplace
- Historic Bath
- Bennett Place
- Bentonville Battlefield
- Blue Ridge National Heritage Area
- Brunswick Town/Ft. Anderson
- Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site
- Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum
- CSS Neuse / Governor Caswell Memorial
- Duke Homestead
Start of a glide; Wilbur in motion at left holding one end of glider (rebuilt with single vertical rudder), Orville lying prone in machine, and Dan Tate at right; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina - Ft. Fisher
- Fort Raleigh National Historic Site
- Guilford Courthouse National Military Park
- Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor
- Historic Edenton
- Historic Halifax
- Horne Creek Living Historical Farm
- House in the Horseshoe
- Moores Creek National Battlefield
- N.C. Transportation Museum
- Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail
- President James K. Polk
- Reed Gold Mine
- Roanoke Island Festival Park
- Somerset Place
- Historic Stagville
- State Capitol
- Town Creek Indian Mound
- Trail Of Tears National Historic Trail
- Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens
- USS North Carolina Battleship Memorial
- Zebulon B. Vance Birthplace
- Thomas Wolfe Memorial
- Wright Brothers National Memorial