See also: North Carolina State Parks in NCpedia for a listing of North Carolina's state parks, many of which have associated historical sites, and links to articles

Tryon Palace sits at the end of a large path. It is two stories in the colonial style and is made of brick.
Tryon Palace, North Carolina's First Colonial Capital, New Bern. Photographed by Carol M. Highsmith, between 1980 and 2006.
North Carolina has a wealth of historic areas, townships, buildings, battle sites and even a World War II battleship! These sites have been witnesses to the births of future presidents, the assemblies of governing bodies, great advances in science and the arts, and the conflicts of armies. The growth and depth of North Carolina's 400 years of existence and impact on the nation and the world can be traced at these historic locations.

Please choose a link from the list of state and national historic sites below (the link will take you to the historic site's website) to learn more about its history, location, and hours of operation.

For links to more history and heritage sites in North Carolina, go to and Additional information is also available online for those sites that are a part of the NC Department of Cultural Resources and its Division of North Carolina Historic Sites.

Image credits:

Highsmith, Carol M, photographer. Tryon Palace, North Carolina's First Colonial Capital, New Bern. United States New Bern North Carolina, None. [Between 1980 and 2006] Photograph.

[Start of a glide; Wilbur in motion at left holding one end of glider (rebuilt with single vertical rudder), Orville lying prone in machine, and Dan Tate at right; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina], 1902. Image #LC-DIG-ppprs-00592.  Library  of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.


S.L.N.C. Government & Heritage Library. "North Carolina State & National Historic Sites." NCpedia. Accessed on March 12th, 2025.