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Type of Speech: 

Classes taught in a combination of a students' first language and English, geared toward helping student with limited English proficiency (LEP) become proficient in English as a second language (ESL). Students in bilingual programs receive part of their daily instruction in English and part in a second language. Significant portions of the school day are devoted to ESL instruction, in which each student receives intensive assistance in learning English.

See also English-only movement.

Additional Information: 

The 1974 Supreme Court Decision Lau v. Nichols directed school districts throughout the nation to adequately serve LEP students. The Court mandated no single instructional program; school districts may provide bilingual instruction as a means of ensuring equal access to educational opportunities for limited English proficient students. Advocates of bilingual education compete with advocates of English-only programs.

For further explanation:
Rethinking Schools maintains a "Special Collection on Bilingual Education