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Spring Creekrises in NW Columbus County near the Bladen County line and flows NE into Horsepen Creek.
Spring Creekrises in SW Madison County and flows NE into French Broad River.
Spring Creekrises in N Mitchell County and flows SE into Big Rock Creek.
Spring Creekrises in E Pamlico County and flows NE into Bonner Bay.
Spring Creekcommunity in SE Beaufort County.
Spring Creekcommunity in W Madison County on Spring Creek.
Spring CreekSee Florence.
Spring Creek Gapon the Haywood-Madison county line.
Spring Creek Mountainextends NE from Frieze-land Creek in S Madison County to Rector Branch. Hop Mountain, with an alt. of 4,072 ft., is a peak on the mountain.
Spring Creek Townshipformer township in SW Madison County, now township no. 8.