North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Spring MountainNE Alexander County. Alt. 1,620.
Spring MountainSE Buncombe County between Laughter Cove and Cane Creek.
Spring MountainSW Buncombe County NE of Twelve O'Clock Top.
Spring Mountainon the Madison County, N.C.-Greene County, Tenn., line.
Spring Mountain Branchrises in SE Buncombe County and flows SW into Cane Creek.
Spring Pointcentral Onslow County in Farnell Bay of New River.
Spring ShoalsSee McAdenville.
Springdalecommunity in SE Haywood County served by post office, 1876-1923.
Springercommunity in W Onslow County served by post office, 1890-1917.
Springers Pointpoint of land from Ocracoke Island, near community of Ocracoke, extending into Pamlico Sound, SE Hyde County.