North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Spikes Creekrises in SW Gates County and flows SE into Chowan River.
Spillcorn Creekrises in N Madison County and flows SW into Big Laurel Creek. Said to have been named because an early settler spilled a load of corn in the creek.
Spilonacommunity in central Johnston County served by post office, 1882-1903.
Spindaletown in central Rutherford County. Est. 1916 by K. S. Tanner and named by him for its location in a valley where cotton mills were est. Inc. 1923. Isothermal Community College, est. 1966, is located there.
Spit Baybetween Davis Island and Davis Shore in Core Sound in E Carteret County.
Spivey Creekrises in NW Yancey County and flows NW into Tennessee, where it enters Indian Creek.
Spivey Gapcentral Buncombe County between Spivey and Miller Mountains.
Spivey Mountaincentral Buncombe County N of Deaver View Mountain. Alt. 3,317.
Spiveys Cornercommunity in N Sampson County near Little Coharie Creek. Formerly known also as West Crossroads.
Spiveys PondSee Lake Tabor.