North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Moravian FallsS Wilkes County on Moravian Creek. Water falls from 30 to 35 ft. over broad, steep rock between wooded hills. Named because of its discovery by Moravian surveyors in 1752. Fishing, swimming, and picnicking.
Moravian Fallscommunity in S Wilkes County between Moravian and Cub Creeks. Alt. 1,206. Est. in the late eighteenth century and named for the nearby waterfall.
Moravian Falls TownshipS Wilkes County.
MoreheadSee Rudd.
Morehead BluffsSee Edgewater.
Morehead Citytown in S central Carteret County on Bogue Sound and Newport River. Summer resort and the only deep-sea port in the state N of Wilmington; state port facilities are there. Inc. 1861 and named for John Motley Morehead (1796-1866), governor of North Carolina, who had bought land there in 1853 as the terminus of a newly inc. railroad. Ships are built there; produces asphalt and apparel. The site was formerly known as Shepherds’ Point, which see. Alt. 16.
Morehead TownshipS Carteret County. Known for a time as township no. 2.
Morehead Townshipcentral Guilford County. Named for Governor John Motley Morehead (1796-1866) of Greensboro. Covers most of the W half of Greensboro.
Moretzcommunity in NE Watauga County on Meat Camp Creek. A post office operated there, 1849-1910.
Morgan Bayin central Onslow County in New River.