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Walter Sloughin the waters of Pamlico Sound NW of Oregon Inlet, E Dare County.
Walters Millcommunity in NW Caswell County named for the mill on Hogans Creek.
Walters Mill PondNW Lenoir County, was originally formed about 1755; rebuilt about 1900. Fed by springs and wells and drains into nearby Moseley Creek. Covers 32 acres; max. depth 12 ft.
WalthallSee Wilbon.
Walton Countywas created by the state of Georgia partly in territory claimed by that state but which a subsequent survey made in 1807 revealed to be in Buncombe County, N.C. Riots and bloodshed occurred during the "Walton War" over disputed land grants made by the two states in the area.
Walton Crossroadscommunity in S Gates County.
Walton Ponda swamp, rises in S Gates County and drains SE into Trotman Creek. Watton Mill appears on the stream on the Collet map, 1770, and the name is derived from the mill that existed as late as 1833 but had disappeared by 1862.
WamplerSee Elk Shoal.
Wananishcommunity in N Columbus County served by post office, 1899-1972. Now within the limits of the town of Lake Waccamaw. It was to have been named Ouaniche for the Indian word meaning "land-locked salmon," but the spelling Wananish was preferred for the post office name.
Wanchesecommunity on the S end of Roanoke Island, E Dare County. Named for one of the two Indians taken to England by Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe in 1584. Produces packaged seafood. Alt. 10.