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Wallace Creekrises in NE Mecklenburg County and flows NE into Cabarrus County, where it enters Reedy Creek.
Wallace Creekrises in E Onslow County and flows SE into Morgan Bay. Named in local records as early as 1744 as Wallace's Creek.
Wallace GapSW Macon County between the head of Allison Creek and Nantahala River.
Wallace GapS Transylvania County between the head of Boring Creek and the head of West Prong [Glady Fork].
Wallace MountainNE Buncombe County near Walkertown.
Wallace's CreekSee Wallace Creek.
Wallburgcommunity in NE Davidson County served by post office, 1891-1946. Named for Sam W. Wall, state senator in 1895. Inc. 2004.
Wallnut-Tree CreekSee Walnut Creek.
Walnutcommunity in central Madison County between Brush Creek and Hopewell Branch. Inc. 1905; charter repealed 1917. Named for walnut trees in the vicinity. See also Marshall.
Walnut Bottomin NW Haywood County on Big Creek in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Named for the fact that numerous walnut trees formerly grew in the narrow bottomland there.