North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Ward Swamprises in N Sampson County and flows SW into Great Coharie Creek.
Wardscommunity in central Columbus County.
Wards Cornercommunity in W Pender County at the intersection of two highways.
Wards CreekSee Hawkins Slough.
Wards Millcommunity in central Onslow County served by post office, 1866-1906.
Wards MountainN Avery County.
Wards MountainSW Orange County between Toms Creek and Cane Creek.
Wards Storecommunity in SE Randolph County.
Wardvillecommunity in E Gates County. Name changed from Bosley about 1936.
Ware Creekrises in central Carteret County and flows SW into the mouth of Newport River.