See also: Eugenics; Eugenics Board

Linked below are North Carolina legislative acts relating to eugenics found in the North Carolina Digital Collections or on the General Assembly website.


An Act to Provide for the Sterilization of the Mentally Defective and Feeble-Minded Inmates of Charitable and Penal Institutions of the the [sic] State of North Carolina (P.L. 1929, c. 34.)


An Act to Amend Chapter 34 of the Public Laws of 1929 of North Carolina Relating to the Sterilization of Persons Mentally Defective (P.L. 1933, c. 224. )


An Act to Provide for the Temporary Admission of Patients to the State Hospitals for the Purpose of Sterilization (P.L. 1937, c. 221.)


An Act to Amend G.S. 35-40 Relating to the Membership of the Eugenics Board of North Carolina (S.L. 1959. c 1019.)


An Act to Reorganize State Government. Department of Human Resources (S.L. 1971, c. 864, s. 15.)


An Act to Further Effectuate the Reorganization of State Government #2: Eugenics Commission (S.L. 1973, c. 476, s. 133.1)

An Act to Rewrite Chapter 35, Article 7 of the General Statutes entitled "Persons with Mental Diseases and Incompetents" (S.L. 1973, c. 1281.)


An Act to Repeal G.S. 143B-151 and G.S. 143B-152 so as to Abolish the Eugenics Commission (S.L. 1977, c. 497)


Sterilization of Persons Mentally Ill and Mentally Retarded (G.S. 35-36 through 35-50. Repealed by Session Laws 2003, c. 13, s. 1, effective April 17, 2003.)

An Act to Repeal the Law that Authorizes the Involuntary Sterilization of Persons who are Mentally Ill or Mentally Retarded, to Permit the Sterilization of Mentally Ill or Mentally Retarded Wards only when there is a Medical Necessity, and to Make Conforming Changes to the General Statutes (S.L. 2003-13. Approved April, 2003.)



Gregory, Lisa. "Eugenics legislation in North Carolina." NCpedia. NC Digital Collections. Accessed on March 11th, 2025.