"children of the confederacy emblem." image courtesy fo the children of the confederacy.
"Children of the Confederacy emblem." Image courtesy of the Children of the Confederacy.

Children of the Confederacy is an organization for descendants of people who offered service to the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. Sponsored and supervised by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, children under the age of twenty-one who meet the same genealogical requirements as the Daughters of the Confederacy are eligible for membership. The purpose, goals, and activities of the children of the confederacy are much the same as those of the united Daughters of the Confederacy. There are twenty-three chapters of the Children of the Confederacy in North Carolina. Notable locations include chapters in Butner, Charlotte, Concord, Fayetteville, Jacksonville, Lexington, Shelby, and Wilson.

Image Credit:

"Children of the Confederacy Emblem." Image courtesy of the Children of the Confederacy.