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Stalcup TopS Cherokee County near the headwaters of Little Brasstown Creek.
Staleytown in E Randolph County. Post office est. there in 1883 as Staleyville. Inc. 1901 as Staley. Named for Col. John W. Staley, Confederate soldier. Alt. 725.
Staley Creekrises in central Alamance County and flows NE into Servis Creek.
StaleyvilleSee Staley.
Stallingscommunity in E Franklin County. Alt. 347. Est. 1880. Named for J. M. Stallings, who est. a cotton gin and sawmill there.
Stallingscommunity in NW Union County.
Stallings Crossroadscommunity in NW Beaufort County.
Stallings StationSee Clayton.
Stamey CoveE Haywood County on the head of Stamey Cove Branch.
Stamey Cove Branchrises in E Haywood County and flows SE into Pigeon River.