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Little Stone MountainN Wilkes County on the W side of East Prong Roaring River.
Little Stonehouse Creekrises in E Warren County and flows NE into Lake Gaston.
Little Sugar Creekrises in central Mecklenburg County and flows SW into South Carolina, where it enters Sugar Creek. Appears as Shugan Creek on the Collet map, 1770, but with its present name on the Price map, 1808.
Little Sugar Loafcommunity in central Bladen County served by post office, 1870-1901.
Little Swamprises in E Columbus County and flows SW into Juniper Creek.
Little Swamprises in S Nash County and flows SE into Toisnot Swamp.
Little Swamp Branchrises in SW Johnston County and flows SE into Mill Swamp Branch.
Little Swift Creekrises in NE Craven County and flows SW into Swift Creek.
Little Switzerlandcommunity and summer resort in NW McDowell County on the head of Threemile Creek. Alt. 3,500. Founded in 1910 as a summer resort by Heriot Clarkson (1863-1942). Named because of the supposed resemblance of the mountains of the area to those of Switzerland. See also Armstrong.
Little Tennessee Riveris formed in Rabun County, Ga., by the junction of Betty and Darnell Creeks. It flows N and NW into Macon County and through Lake Emory; into Swain County and along the Graham-Swain county line through Fontana Lake and Lake Cheoah; and into Tennessee, where it enters the Tennessee River. The river was long believed to have been discovered in 1540 by Hernando De Soto and as such the first tributary of the Mississippi River discovered by Europeans.