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MashawatocSee Mashoes.
Mashburn Branchrises in S Macon County and flows N into Cullasaja River.
Mashoescommunity on the NE shore of the mainland of Dare County on Albemarle Sound. Legend relates that it is named for Peter Michieux or Mashows who, with his family, was shipwrecked on a nearby beach in the eighteenth century. He was washed ashore with his wife and child clinging to him. When he regained consciousness, he found both were dead. The shock of the experience shattered his reason, and 20 years later he sat with his back to a cypress tree and died. His skeleton and a board on which he had rudely carved the account of his tragic experience were discovered years later. The name, in spite of the legend, may be of Indian origin; John White's map, 1585, shows an Indian village named Mashawatoc on the E Virginia shore.
Mason BayN Pamlico County, in Bay River.
Mason Branchrises in central Cherokee County near Mason Knob and flows SE into Valley River.
Mason Branchrises in N Macon County and flows SW into Little Tennessee River.
Mason Branchrises in SE Swain County on Una Mountain and flows SW into Yalaka Creek.
Mason Creekrises in W central Transylvania County and flows SE into Cherryfield Creek.
Mason InletNE New Hanover County between Moore Inlet on the S and Rich Inlet on the n. The waters of Topsail Sound enter the Atlantic Ocean through the inlet. Appears as Barren Inlet on the Moseley map, 1733, and on other maps as late as 1909; and as Queen Inlet during the period 1906-36.
Mason KnobN Cherokee County.