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Horsebone Gapon the Haywood-Jackson county line on the main Balsam Range. The Blue Ridge Parkway passes through or near the gap. Named for the fact that a horse, turned out to graze in the area, died, and his bones lay bleaching in the sun for a number of years.
Horsebranchcommunity in central Pender County on Horse Branch.
Horsefork MountainE Haywood County, extends NE from Fall Creek to Grassy Gap.
Horselot Covecentral Clay County, S of Evans Ridge.
Horsepasture Riverrises in S Jackson County and flows SE across SW Transylvania County into South Carolina, where it enters the Toxaway River.
Horsepen Baya small pocosin near the head of Horse Branch, which see, N Pender County.
Horsepen Branchrises in S Greene County and flows SE into Rainbow Creek. The name appears in local records prior to the Revolution.
Horsepen Branchrises in S Warren County and flows SE into Shocco Creek.
Horsepen Creekrises in NW Columbus County on the Columbus-Robeson-Bladen county lines and flows W into Big Swamp.
Horsepen Creekrises in W Guilford County and flows NE into Reedy Fork Creek.