North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Horse KnobN Transylvania County at the NW end of Huckleberry Ridge near the head of South Prong Turkey Creek.
Horse Mountainon the McDowell-Yancey county line.
Horse Mountain GapS Burke County. Alt. 2,018.
Horse Pen Bayswamp in NW Brunswick County. A part of Green Swamp.
Horse Pen Branchrises in SW Bladen County and flows W into Horse Pen Swamp.
Horse Pen Creekrises in S central Bladen County and flows SE into Brown Marsh Swamp.
Horse Pen Mountainat the head of Cabin Creek in S Henderson County.
Horse Pen RidgeW Haywood County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a spur extending NW from Cataloochee Divide; its center is near lat. 35°35'40" N., long. 83°05'07" W.
Horse Pen Swamprises in SW Bladen County and flows W into Robeson County, where it enters Big Swamp.
Horse Poolappears on the Moseley map, 1733, in what is now E Gates County in the W edge of the Dismal Swamp.