North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Bull BayNW Tyrrell County and NE Washington County, formed by the Scuppernong River estuary in Albemarle Sound. Surface area approx, 10,000 acres; max. depth 14 ft.
Bull Branchrises in NE Bertie County and flows SW into Chinkapin Swamp.
Bull Branchrises in NE Burke County and flows SW into Linville River.
Bull Branchis formed in NE Pender County by the junction of Bullhead Branch and Bull Tail Branch. It flows SE into Moore's Creek.
Bull Branchrises in W Robeson County and flows S into Little Pee Dee River.
Bull Branchrises in E Union County and flows NW into Richardson Creek.
Bull BranchSee Millers Creek.
Bull CoveSE Clay County between Bear Pen Ridge and Fairfield Ridge.
Bull CoveSW Macon County on a tributary of Big Indian Creek.
Bull Creekrises in N Buncombe County near Bull Mountain and flows S into Swannanoa River. The last buffalo seen in the county was killed by one of the first white settlers in the vicinity, Joseph Rice.