North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Stone MountainW Transylvania County S of Butter Gap. Alt. 3,698.
Stone MountainNE Watauga County E of Grassy Creek.
Stone Mountaincommunity in S McDowell County served by post office, 1848-1905.
Stone Mountain Baldon the Watauga County, N.C.-Johnson County, Tenn., line at the N end of Stone Mountains, which see. Alt. 4,657.
Stone Mountain Branchrises in NW Watauga County in the Stone Mountains and flows SW into Watauga River.
Stone Mountain Creekrises in S Alleghany County and flows SW into N Wilkes County, where it enters Bullhead Creek.
Stone Mountain GapSE Buncombe County between Stone and Round Mountains.
Stone Mountainsa chain of mountains in W Ashe and Watauga Counties, N.C., and Johnson County, Tenn., from the Watauga River near lat. 36°17'30" N., long. 81°55' W., to the NW corner of North Carolina and thence into Virginia to Whitetop Mountain. They form the common boundary line of North Carolina and Tennessee. The name dates from as early as 1795.
Stonecutter Creekrises in central Rutherford County and flows SW into Cleghorn Creek. Named for a stonecutter who lived along its banks and cut millstones.
StoneheadSee Pilot Mountain.