North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Still Branchrises in SE Yancey County and flows NE into Roaring Fork.
Still Creekrises in W Carteret County and flows W into White Oak River. Named because a whiskey still was once located on the creek.
Stilleycommunity S Beaufort County.
Stillhouse Branchrises in S Avery County and flows NW into Whiteoak Branch.
Stillhouse Branchrises in central Cherokee County and flows SE into Valley River.
Stillhouse Branchrises in N Macon County and flows W into Rose Creek.
Stillhouse Branchrises in S Macon County and flows SW into Tessentee Creek.
Stillhouse Branchrises in S Madison County and flows S into Ivy River.
Stillhouse Creekrises in central McDowell County and flows S into Paxton Creek.
Stillwater Branchrises in W central Transylvania County and flows N into Davidson River.