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Silhouette of couple walking on Kuta Beach at sunset

Two people, possibly children, walk side by side on an otherwise empty stretch of Kuta Beach at sunset. The silhouette of their four legs and overlapping bodies is reflected vertically in a dark shadow on the wet sand. The sky, gentle surf, and sandy beach are tinted blue with some golden tones created by the waning sun's light upon puffy clouds.Once a small fishing village, Kuta has become a major Indonesian tourist destination on Bali Island, especially attractive to young Australians on holidays. Kuta is famous for its challenging surfing waves, its often spectacular sunsets, and its lively nightlife for young foreign tourists. Sadly, Kuta's nighclubs were the targets of suicide bombings by Muslim extremists which killed 202 people in October 2002, and 26 people in October 2005. These isolated events took a terrible toll on Bali's tourism industry, and they affected the livelihood of many ordinary Balinese, including merchants and artists throughout the island.

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