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Elder Balinese man in ritual dress seated on grass

An elder Balinese man sits smiling on a grass field where others also gather, probably to view a local ritual event. The barefoot man wears a dark cap and a royal blue T-shirt along with two key items of Balinese ritual attire. To enter a Balinese temple, it is appropriate to wear a traditional long wrapped cloth, or sarong, around the lower half of one's body. This man's sarong is purple and white, of a Balinese floral design. He also wears a bright yellow sash, the second clothing item of respect always worn into Balinese temples.The man shown here sits on the ground, holding his folded knees in front of him with his linked hands. In front of him are some incense sticks and offering baskets and he appears to hold another packet of incesnse sticks in his hand.

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